3 Home Inspection Tips You Can Count On

Not all real estate agents in East Tennessee are upfront and honest when it comes to home inspections. In fact, some real estate agencies in the Great Smoky Mountains will do anything for the commission.
As a result, it isn’t uncommon for a real estate agent to be less than honest about a home inspection. Thankfully, Sanders Property has and always will have your best interests at heart.
Home Inspections you can Count On
Because Sanders Property is a family owned business and has been operating for decades, they understand the importance of an honest home inspection. In this day and age, it is imperative that the home inspector plays by the rules. Below are some things to watch out for if you are getting ready to buy or sell a home.
1. Put Home Inspections in Writing
According to Sanders Property make the inspection official and put it in writing. Even if you are buying or selling a house to a family member or friend, you must have it in writing, especially if you are considering waiving the inspection, which would be a huge mistake. Even if someone isn’t hiding something on purpose, maintenance issues can be overlooked to the untrained eye.
2. Attend the Home Inspection and Ask Questions
While it’s important to be at the inspection and ready with questions, you also want to give the home inspector some space. He or she may need to go in and out of rooms several times, examine something more than once, or hunker down for a closer look. Of course you can ask questions but do so after the inspection is completed, and don’t forget to take notes.
3. Ask for Specialty Inspections
While all home inspectors have been trained for normal home inspections, you may want to bring in a specialty inspectors who have further education. Your real estate agent in Clinton recommends specialty inspectors for older homes and for homes that have had issues in the past. Ask Sanders Property about specialty home inspections.
If you are buying or selling a home, do your research. It pays to know as much as you can before your home is inspected. Call Sanders Property for more information regarding home inspections today.